Quaker Council for European Affairs

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) was founded in 1979 to promote the values of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in the European context. QCEA, based in Brussels, is an international, not-for-profit organisation under Belgian law.


What QCEA does

QCEA engages in advocacy and lobbying. It publishes briefing papers, reports and studies on themes of European and Quaker interest. These are read by politicians and decision makers as well as Quakers.

The organisation publishes a newsletter, Around Europe, which serves both to let those in positions of influence know what QCEA is thinking, and to give other readers information they might not easily find about things that are happening in Europe. It is sent ten times a year to addresses around the world.

QCEA also cooperates with other non-governmental and church organisations which share some of its ideals. Among these are the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, Kairos Europa, the Mennonite Centre in Brussels, the Ecumenical Centre, the Centre for European Security and Defence.

QCEA interacts with Members of the European Parliament, and with the activities of the Council of Europe. The organisation participates in seminars and conferences when these help to advance its aims.

It arranges its own seminars and conferences, and each year it holds a Study Tour to help Quakers and non-Quakers learn more about what is happening in Europe.

Recognition as a consultative body

QCEA frequently submits evidence and comments to European Union consultations. QCEA is a Member of Civil Society and Democracy in Europe Grouping of NGOs recognised by the Council of Europe[1] and is entitled to lodge complaints of violations of the European Social Charter with the European Committee of Social Rights[2]

Partnerships and Collaborations

QCEA works closely with the Quaker United Nations Office,[3] Geneva and runs a biennial conference on peacebuilding with QUNO.

QCEA is one of 20 Partner organisations in The European Peacebuilding Liaison Office. [4]

QCEA is a member or The Human Rights and Democracy Network. [5]

QCEA also provides the secretariat for the Quaker youth organisation the European and Middle East Young Friends.[10]


QCEA has six main programme areas:

QCEA's peace programme has focused on the basic premise that the Eu and the Council of Europe were conceived as peace projects and that this should remain their guiding principle in all they do. Today, this has particular application in those policies which affect the relationship with other countries and regions in the world.[6]

Quakers believe that there is that of God in everyone. Human Rights issues have therefore been a core concern for Quakers throughout their history. QCEA's work has focused on a number of distinct issues on which the Council of Europe and the EU have policy development and decision-making roles.[7]

Quakers believe in the equality of all people. Arising from this, Quakers have long held a concern about economic justice, reconciliation, and the right sharing of world resources. Details of QCEA's work has varied over time in order to engage with the political agenda of the EU and Council of Europe institutions in order to remain relevant and be heard.[8]

The European Union is often criticized for its so-called lack of democratic legitimacy. Since 2001, at least, the EU has tried to address this. QCEA has engaged with a variety of aspects of the developments in the institutional make-up and decision-making processes of the EU since 2001 because they believe that active engagement with citizens is essential to a functioning democracy.[9]

The Sustainable Energy Security programme seeks to redefine energy security for the 21st century so that it incorporates human security, fair energy distribution and genuine sustainability, and to galvanise action on sustainable energy use at all levels across Europe.[10]

QCEA recognises the important role the EU has in the ongoing efforts to contribute to a lasting peace in Palestine and Israel. QCEA has therefore decided to focus par of its programme on this. Their work seeks to influence the EU and its Institutions in its approach to this conflict and the parties to this conflict.[11]

Presentations and Reports

QCEA presentations and reports that are currently available (at 15 December 2011):[12]


QCEA claims the following achievements
